Let’s Get Introductions Out Of The Way…

This post was written by Bunny:

“When I’m in New York, I just want to walk down the street and feel this thing like I’m in a movie.” – Ryan Adams

Hello blog readers!

This is the first post on mine and Lamb’s new blog. I thought I’d tell you a bit about what this blog is and who we are.

Firstly, this is a bit of everything. Travel, relationships, LGBT stuff, theatre, culture, possible Harry Potter references and Lamb may or may not turn this into a fashion blog if I hand over the reigns… Basically its everything other than gardening.

Quick summary of our relationship: I’m from London and I met Lamb in Pittsburgh during my gap year. We have been together for nearly nine months. I’ll let her fill in the details. We moved to New York in August and have had non-stop awesome adventures since (more of that to come).

The purpose of this post is to let you know that we exist and to advise you to stick around for our adventures, relationship stories (about us and our friends), life tips and suggestions of things to do and places to eat in NYC.

I find intros tend to drag so I’ll end this here with this bunny meme that I found a bit too relatable…




Bunny xx